The best food ever is…

WALT create a quality blog post that is ‘perfect’ and shares your favourite food.

Today Whaea Jade told us were doing a Cyber smart challenge. I was so excited. Whaea Jade said we had to go onto our class site and go onto the Cyber smart folder. After that, we read some slide shows that told us to make a blog about your favourite food. I knew right away what my favourite food was going to be. It was Mac ‘n’ cheese! I love to write about my favourite food especially Mac ‘n’ cheese.

My favourite food in the whole wide world is 100% Mac ‘n’ cheese! I love all the melted cheese and the pasta. I love how it melts in my mouth and how it tastes! Mac ‘n’ cheese is so yummy!!!

Have you ever tried Mac ‘n’ cheese before? If you have, did you enjoy it?  I hope one day if you haven’t tried Mac ‘n’ cheese, you can try it.

ANZAC poem

WALT  Share our ANZAC learning in an acrostic poem.

A few days ago, my class and I had to do an acrostic ANZAC poem. We had to find things that are relevant/related to ANZAC that started with the same letter. We had to watch videos and read texts that would give us ideas.

The difficult part was making the lettering fancy.

I enjoyed colouring in the lettering.

Have you ever done anything like this before? If you have, was it a poem?








Digital footprint

WALT create a positive digital footprint.

Today I started a digital footprint. A digital footprint is a shape. You have to put some words of what you did in the holidays in it. Its REALLY fun. First I had to Choose a shape for my digital footprint. I chose this dragon I reckon its the coolest shape I could’ve chose. After that, I had to add some words into the shape. I chose Forest walks, Roblox, movie nights, planes, screaming baby, pools, Mc Donalds and the beach. Next, I decided to change the font. The font was Choppin script. My favourite font is DEFIANTLY Choppin script! Do you have a favourite font? If you do, what is it? After that I changed the colours of the words and it was done!



The challenging thing was picking the right shape because I loved almost ALL the shapes.

I enjoyed when I got to pick the font because there was so many different ones.

Have you  ever done this before?

Chunuk Bair

WALT connect with and understand the experiences of soldiers in the ANZAC poem by writing a journal entry that expresses their feelings and thoughts.

One day Whaea Jade ( Our epic teacher! ) told us we had to learn about ANZAC day. First we had to write a story about how we would feel in a battlefield. Next we had to copy it into our drive. After that, we had to go onto google draw and make a ANZAC poppy. I thought it would be cool to add in a nice sentence that say: We will remember them. I do not regret that decision!

I enjoyed when I writing the ANZAC story.

The tricky part was making the poppy because the shapes wouldn’t fit to make it a poppy.

Have you ever made a poppy before? If you have, was it fun?




WALT use Statistics in our maths.

Lately me and my class have been using Statistics in maths. For Statistics we use tally marks to make a form. We also do worksheets and its so fun! ( I love Statistics ) Statistics is probably my favourite type of maths. Im good at it…but sometimes its kind of tricky. We mostly use statistics with Mrs. Radich but sometime we use it with Whaea Jade.

We did this because we made class form. We had to use tally marks to add up all the people that answered the questions in different ways. some were maybe, sometimes, yes or no.

Do you use statistics?

I had difficultly with mostly nothing.

I enjoyed putting the tally marks in and counting them up!


WALT sail

Yesterday me and mt class ( Trae and Dwayne, too) Went to Taipa to sail! I was REALLY excited. When we got there two women named Steph and the other Averil taught us how to set up a sail boat. Me, Te reinga, Alyssa, April and Nova started to set up the boat! We were the first group to finish it. Next we had a snack got dressed into our wet suit and got sorted! A group of thirteen were sailing first. I was on land first but I didn’t mind. Our land activities were knots and there was also a pulley and tin foil boats. Me, Te reinga, Alyssa, Tahli and April started with the knots. I only made the figure eight ( which looks like an eight) and the reef knot! I think the reef not is harder than the figure eight! Next I buddied up with Te reinga and started the tin foil boat. It was so fun! We put little rings of metal in the boats but our kept on sinking no matter how many times we fixed it! After that we tried out the pulley! It was pretty fun and we made the pulley pick up a bag of sand! After the activities we walked down to the beach to do sailing. Steph said we could hop in the boats. Me and Te reinga took boat three. I was on the end of the boat and stared it is was fun. Te reinga had to do the ropes that controlled the sail! After another hour of fun we had to go back to school!


The part I found tricky was when I had to do the ropes after Te reinga.

The part I enjoyed was jumping off the boat.

Would you do this?


WALT spend the night in a tent.

Last week on Tuesday my class Te puawai and two other classes Te manga and Te kauru went to camp! First we hopped on the bus to go to Te pu o te wheke moanga. I was so excited. When we got there we had to put  our bags on. Hadlee had it though. We walked for five teen minutes finally we stopped I was really thirsty. As soon as I got hold of my bag I sculled my water. Luckily I still had heeps left! After a snack and water we kept walking. The mountain was steep but eventually I got the hang of walking without tripping. When we got got to the top we got told about the area! I looked at the view and it was magnificent I loved it. After that we climbed down the mountain. Heeps of people kept tripping and I fell about three or two times myself! After we got down to where we stopped the first time I ate one more thing then we had to go. I hopped on the bus and sat down. When we got to camp heeps of people were playing on the playground. Whaea Deb told me, Shaylyn, Te reinga and Anahera where our tent is. When we walked inside of our tent we started making our beds and tiding up. It was fun! Do you think cleaning and setting up is fun?? After we finished cleaning up and making our beds Whaea Deb blew her whistle and we all came. We sat down under the gazebo and listened. She said ” Were going to the beach! Get your togs on if your swimming or sit here if your not.” Me and Te reinga stayed under the gazebo and a few other people too. When we got to the beach I hopped on a spinning toy. I call it “The spinney burger” Te reinga, Julia and maybe three other people pushed me and I nearly fell off, I didn’t thankfully! When we got back to camp I laid down on my stretcher. Suddenly Te reinga came in. I asked if she wanted to play cards she said yes. After our card game we played around for a bit then it was dinner! For dinner we had spaghetti. It was delicious! After dinner we brushed our teeth and got to read for a bit then we went to bed! I woke up in the middle of the night and nearly froze! Thats how cold it was. I hopped up to go to the bathroom and as soon as I stood on the ground my FEET 👣nearly froze, too! When I entered the tent I hopped in bed and went to sleep. When I woke up in the morning Shaylyn and Te reinga were talking so I joined them! After that someone shined there light at our tent and did the loser sign on it, too. We opened the tent to see who it was but she was gone! After that it was breakfast. For breakfast I had some nutri grain and milk.  After breakfast we got ready and went to the beach. My group was group two! The first activity group two had to do was beach fun. For beach fun me and Aria made a sand castle village! The second activity group two had to do was surfing. I was worried because im not very good at surfing! After lots of attempts I did it!! I stood TWICE! I was so happy and after that I played on the beach for a little bit and had some morning tea! After morning tea it was time for my group ( Group two if you didn’t know) to go to kayaking. Me and Aria went into the same ( Two seater) kayak and started paddling even though we were still on land! When we got in to  the water we started paddling! I was so happy when we were deep in to the water we turned around and came back to shore. We got sent back out to the ocean and suddenly a big wave came and filled the kayak up with water and we both fell out. ( Were both okay though!) After that we went back to camp and ate lunch. Then I went in my tent and played a game of cards with Te reinga! The next day we had to pack up and go back to school.

this is when we were up the top of Te pu o te wheke moanga
at the park on a spinning toy in taupo bay view from the top of Te pu o te wheke

The part I found tricky was when I had to pack everything in my suitcase because I didn’t have enough time.

The part I enjoyed was when I went surfing and stood up!

keyboard shortcuts

WALT use the kawa of care

Today whaea Donna came to teach us about the kawa of care as usual! Its always fun when she comes to teach us. The first thing we had to do was go onto our drive and make a new google draw doc then start making a poster about a Chromebook shortcut! I picked Ctrl Z because its very handy! I had to do a lot of writing…but lucky me I love writing!😁 Have you ever done this before?? Well you should!

The part I found tricky was when I had to adjust the size of the speech marks! The part I found fun was when I got to make it into a comic because I love comics.